Using a Comprehensive Assessment of Summer Programs (CASP)

Summer learning programs participating in the Summer Matters campaign use a standard toolkit to continually assess their programs, identify strengths, and plan improvements.

This toolkit allows summer learning program leaders and advocates to objectively assess programs using common benchmarks, methodologies, and documentation.

We’ve developed a set of tools called the Quick CASP to help program leaders perform their own assessments. The tools offer both a framework and instructions for performing a CASP of your summer learning program.

The Quick CASP can be found at and includes:

  • The Quick CASP tool
  • A User Guide
  • A Quick Reference Guide
  • Instructional videos explaining each component
  • Technical Assistance Manuals

You can also use ASAPConnect to find technical experts including assessors, coaches, and consultants that will help you improve your summer learning program.

Visit to review and download the tools.

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