
Summer Matters Network PARTNER Analysis

In April 2018, the California Summer Matters Network (CSMN) conducted a survey to learn about its effectiveness, specifically about how well collaboration among partner organizations can achieve the goal to increase the number and quality of free or low-cost summer learning programs across California by facilitating strategic connections of summer learning supporters.

Product Review: Using Video Games to Support Learning

Game Learning is an educational video game development company that believes fun and education should go hand in hand. They’ve released two games: Roanoke: The Lost Colony and Boston: Road to Revolution, and they have 60 more games under development.

Summer Matters Superheroes Unmasked

Summer Matters Superhero Award recipients are leaders who put energy and resources into summer learning, not because they have to, but because they are convinced that EVERY child matters and EVERY child can succeed with the right support and foundation.

Summer Field Trip Inspires Middle School Student

With many students losing two to three months of progress in reading and math skills over summer, it’s necessary to offer stimulating outings that are fun and academic. Discovery Cube provided the opportunity for Elizabeth to expand her knowledge of science in a cool environment with other likeminded students. She was better equipped to begin the 2017 school year and has the inspiration to pursue her dream of becoming a surgeon.

Diving Into Summer Learning Programs

Summer learning programs are distinctively different from traditional summer school programs. For Nazaneen Khalilnaji-Otto, the Summer Matters campaign director at the Partnership for Children and Youth, one word sums up the difference between the summer learning model and summer school: “fun.” Summer learning takes on a “camp-like culture,” and these programs are generally open to all students, rather than only students seeking remedial or advanced coursework.