Workshop: Enliven Young Children’s Engagement with Their Own Social Emotional and Life Skills Development

Based on brain science, physiology, and proven educational principles, Kids’ Own Wisdom® is an easy-to-use approach that deepens and anchors kids’ ability to spontaneously transfer SEL instructions from parents and teachers  into ‘real-life’ responses.  The Kids’ Own Wisdom approach builds mutually respectful relationships between students and with teachers, is not complicated, and requires no lectures.  Just 10-15 minutes, 2 or 3 times every week, render cumulative growth in: perspective taking capacity, collaborative problem solving abilities, self-motivated behavior changes, constructive self-expression and enriched school-readiness language skills.

Presenter: Nini White

Best for Site Supervisors/ Coordinators; Frontline Staff, and Teachers serving grades K-5. 



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